Lifestyle Design / Work & Productivity

Maximize Time at Work and in Life

Do you want more hours in the day? These helpful tips can help you get there.

Develop a comprehensive schedule and prioritize your tasks

Write down what needs to be done and focus your mind on how to prioritize and do them better. By listing your tasks in order of importance, you can make sure that you finish the most important tasks during the day.

Schedule Free Time and Naps

  • Free Time: Do not let your free time just happen. Plan it!
  • Reflection Time: Block about 20 to 30 minutes of your working time for reflection.
  • Sleep: Naps boost focus and creativity.

Turn off Notifications

Every notification distracts you from important tasks, eliminating them increases focus.

Structure your day.

Complete the most important activities first. Put another way, implement the Pareto principle by focusing on the 20% of activities that matter most and eliminate 80% of less important activities.

  • What three things generate the highest impact?
  • What three things produce the most income?

Block time for deep work (what you were hired to do) and block time for shallow work (includes meetings, emails and calls)

Schedule generous breaks and some reflection time between tasks.

Say No!

Protect your time by saying no as often as you say yes.

For more actionable tips and ideas, follow ourĀ Work: Strategies Board on Pinterest!