Travel & Explore

Over Hills & Pastures: Walking the Labyrinth

There is a local gem in Maryland. I mean right in my own backyard! It’s the Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriottsville.

I spent some time here walking the labyrinth and practicing silence to hear my thoughts and receive guidance for a major life decision – an awesome moment of reconnecting with myself.

There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness and solitude to introduce you to the secrets of yourself.

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Labyrinths are meandering structures with a singular path leading to a center. This archetype is over 4,000 years old and is used for walking meditation – a tool for spiritual, psychological and spiritual transformation. Strolling through a labyrinth prompts the relaxation response. As you follow the path and concentrate upon your steps, everything else falls away and you become truly present in the moment.

Find a labyrinth anywhere at World Wide Labyrinth Locator