
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31

Are your feelings hurt?
Are you angry at yourself?
Do you feel powerless?
Do you have unmet expectations?
Have your rights been violated?
Do you feel afraid?

Unforgiveness will lead to:
· A life of anxiety
· A life of anger
· A life of disease
· A hardened heart
· Depression
· Broken Relationship with God
· Hostility
· Violence

Visual Example: The unforgiving person actually believes that harboring ill will is justified. In truth, what you harbor against another person will actually destroy you. Anger/Resentment is the poison you drink while expecting another to die.

1. First of all, recognize your anger and then make a decision to move towards forgiveness.

2. Accept the role you played in the situation. For example, examine your response or lack of response towards the situation and the decisions you made that led you to be in the midst of the situation.

3. Pray to God, pouring your heart out and ask for strength to overcome the anger and resentment.

4. Know that the person/situation is never the real enemy. It is you who must find a way to transcend the situation designed to create an imbalance in your life.

Forgiveness does not mean:
-The offending person deserves it
-The pain suddenly goes away
-I automatically trust you
-I feel like forgiving

Forgiveness does mean:
-I give up the right to get even
-Nothing I do to hurt you will ever heal me
-I obey God’s command
-Formally ask for forgiveness (Will you forgive me for.?)
-Forgiving yourself
-Owning your own role in the matter
-Attacking the problem not the person
-Speaking the truth in love

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.