Power Mindset

The Art of Peace of Mind

When the mind is peaceful the body is peaceful too. Peace of mind is conducive to health, increased energy, stronger mental powers, improved memory and a better ability to learn and study. Peace of mind also helps to handle more efficiently the daily affairs of life, and stressful and difficult situations and circumstances.

We live in a world where fear, tension and restlessness abound. You may believe that there is nothing to do about it, and accept it as an inevitable evil. But it is not so. You can experience inner peace under stressful conditions and circumstances, but it does not come instantly. It is developed gradually through special training.

Do you know that stronger concentration ability brings more peace of mind? Do you know that more peace of mind strengthens the concentration? They are interconnected.

–Just think how important it is for you. Become convinced of its importance, and decide to do something about it.

— Study and practice concentration and meditation on a regular basis, and your inner peace will grow. Repeat affirmations about peace, and eventually your mind will accept them. Visualize peaceful circumstances, and envision yourself acting calmly in situations, which usually make you feel tense and nervous.

Daily practice will calm down your mind. This calmness will influence your inner being, your body, your circumstances and the people you meet. It will transform you into a peacefulness and calmness generator.

You can enjoy life with a peaceful mind. In fact you will enjoy it more, because you will experience calmness, happiness and inner strength. You will not feel threatened by anything. You will have constant inner joy.

You might need to give up some activities that agitate your mind, but the rewards are greater than these activities. When you start experiencing real peace, you will love and enjoy it. It will become more precious to you, than many other activities you loved and enjoyed until now.

Performing inner work, such as meditation and concentration, will ultimately turn peace of mind into a natural habit.