Emotional Balance / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset

Surviving An Existential Crisis

An existential crisis occurs when an individual experiences anguish over a lack of purpose, value or meaning in their life. These feelings can lead to depression, apathy, and a lack of motivation.

These crises are usually triggered by the loss of a job or financial resources, a change of environment, divorce or breakup, death of a loved one, and finally by a health-related illness or injury. The length of these crisis varies and can last for years…So how do you find your way back to you?

First, deeply examine the cause of your crisis.  The more deeply you are aware of the cause, the easier it will become to move past the crisis. To examine the cause of your crisis:

Take Inventory About Your Identity. WHO are You? — your mindset and values. Defining your identity, can help take action that brings meaning and purposes back into your life.

Are you a Giver?Seek happiness for others even when your own life is less than ideal.
Are you a Shaman?Share your life experiences and vast knowledge with the next generation.
Are you an Achiever?Strive for success in at least one area of your life.
Are you a Pleasure-Seeker?Enjoy the little things and find balance in your pleasurable pursuits.
Are you a Devoter?Sacrifice yourself for a cause of greater meaning/greater good.
Are you a Harmonizer?Pursue spirituality and help yourself and others answer the big questions of life.
Are you a Creator?Unique ideas, innovation and creativity enlivens you – pursue them!

Next, begin to reframe your mindset about the crisis. Positive thinking will benefit you greatly in moving past your crisis.

Meaning motivates! Identify the drivers that can help you find meaning.

Finally, take ACTION steps to move past your crisis. Time is certainly a healing factor but you CAN identify solutions and take steps to rise again. Read the related article, Harnessing the Fruits of Post-Traumatic Growth.