Emotional Balance / Lifestyle Design / Physical Wellbeing / Power Mindset / Relax & Breathe

Creating Peace Amidst Chaos

These are certainly uncertain and chaotic times. We are uncertain if we will remain healthy, if we’ll have work in a year, where we should live, if it is safe to travel, if war will affect us and IF WE ARE GOING TO SURVIVE.

As a species, we are not particularly comfortable with ambiguity but these are exactly the times we live in and we need tools to remain still, peaceful and comfortable now. How?

Step back. Look at your life with a neutral, but critical eye. What insights or advice can you glean from your experiences right now? What values are most important to you? Be clear and hold onto those values as a compass in the midst of all the background noise.

Understand Your Fear. What are the root causes of your fear? We barely understand the reasons that lie beneath the fear we feel. DEFINE THE PROBLEM AND THEN KEEP ASKING “WHY IS THAT?” TO DISCOVER THE ROOT CAUSE. By excavating our feelings through talking, writing or journaling, these fears lose their control over our ability to remain at peace.

Accept Truth As It Is. If you seek certainty and predictability, you will remain unhappy. If you can accept constant change and remain open, stress will fall away.

What’s The Worse That Could Happen? If you can imagine, the worst thing you could believe would happen, what would you do? When you are in that headspace – find the people, tools, and skills that can help you transcend that outcome. It is always wise to be prepared. It is not so scary now, huh?

Action! Are there items that you need to act upon now that could reduce the ambiguity in your life? You will not know what will happen, unless you DO SOMETHING. If you are tired waiting, wondering and allowing your fear to dominate – formulate an action plan and execute it. Focus on the first step and build trust as you continue to take the next step.