Physical Wellbeing / Relax & Breathe

Massage Self-Care Tools and Techniques

Massage Therapy is a holistic procedure that affects all systems of the body; digestive, elimination, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems. It is accomplished through specific manipulations with the hands on the soft tissue of the body for therapeutic effect.

A major concern is to realize and deal with the effects of stress. Massage makes us aware of how and where stress manifests itself in the form of tension in our bodies. Too much stress in our lives causes constant muscular tension. This tension or tightness reduces the flow of energy.

This energy may be in the form of blood and oxygen, nerves, lymph supply, or the major energy within us; Life Force or “Qi” (pronounced “chee” in Chinese or “kee” in Japanese). Reducing this flow, leads to feelings of fatigue, heaviness, density in some areas, reduced flexibility and range of motion in the joints. It increases the likelihood of strain and injury. It also leads to buildup of toxins in the body. Generally, blocked energy is felt as aches and pains but, can eventually lead to a wide range of more serious problems. Massage and touch therapies can release this tension and allow the body’s own energy to heal itself.

Techniques and Tools for Self-Massage

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