Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom

Made A Mistake? Learn from It.

Are you mentally replaying a situation in which you wish you had behaved or reacted differently? This is the process of rumination – continuously thinking the same, dark thoughts that fuel depression.  It is unpleasant, leads to anxiety, and an inability to solve problems.

This cycle of overthinking must be broken as soon as possible before you are led downhill. How do you do it?

Create a positive distraction to begin breaking the cycle. Some things you can do to create a temporary break in the cycle is watch a comedy, practice laughter yoga, do affirmations, meditate, or call and speak with a non-judgmental friend. If these distractions, don’t work, finding a therapist may be best.

Then immediately seek to understand why you ruminate. First, what is your dominant pattern for rumination – do you mostly blame yourself or do you blame others? Then strive to identify what triggers your cycle of rumination. Is there a pattern?

Self-inquire. Deeply examine your thoughts. Are you correct in your thinking? Could you be wrong? What aren’t you seeing? Is there another perspective?

Create an action plan to begin disengaging from the thought cycle. Write down at least three things you can do to begin letting go. How are you going to execute this plan? Develop a detailed plan on what you can do each day over 14 days to disengage.

Let go of perfectionism. Are you your own worst enemy by trying to always be perfect? IMPOSSIBLE! Know that one also needs to learn from failure to truly embrace triumphs.
