Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset

3 Essential Truths I Learned From Steve Jobs

I remain fascinated with Steve Jobs’ ability to take advantage of opportunity and transform every day items into stellar products by using design principles. How did he shape his mindset and life? There are three timeless and helpful nuggets of wisdom he shared in his 2005 Commencement Address at Stanford University that I have found to be invaluable.

  1. Connect the dots. Assess the past and connect it to the future. All things work together. He connected a course on typeface and design he audited after dropping out of school to the work he did on Apple’s computer interface and in his work at Pixar. What do you know already and how can you use it to benefit yourself and others?
  2. Hit with a brick? Don’t Lose Faith. After being fired from his own company and eating a huge dose of humble pie, Jobs took a new direction and launched another successful venture – Pixar! During this time, he also got married. These great things only became possible after he was fired from Apple. When adversity comes, use this source of pain and challenge to become better. Fail Upwards!
  3. Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last – Stay Hungry! Stay Foolish! Remembering daily that you are going to die, helps you avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. Time is limited, don’t waste it! Do not become trapped by dogma – the result of other people’s thinking. Follow your own heart and intuition that will clearly lead you to your own path.