Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom / Power Mindset

Putting Perfectionism in Its Place

In our current world and with the continued growth of social media, perfectionism pervades! Instead of enjoying satisfaction from the things done well, perfectionists focus on what is lacking and this mindset robs individuals of self-esteem, peace of mind and happiness.

The relentless pursuit of perfection eventually triggers procrastination, a lack of motivation, and self-defeat. On the other hand, detachment from the burdens of perfectionism decreases stress levels and allows you to strive for excellence and yet learn from your mistakes.

Grow from your mistakes. Learning requires failure and should be viewed as an essential component of growth. Foster self-compassion and be tolerant of your shortcomings.

Embrace the gifts of imperfection and love yourself as you are.  All that matters is unconditional love for yourself. Embrace the shadow, mean, competitive sides of who you are along with all of the good in you and find true freedom.

Focus on yourself and reframe your outlook. Shun the people pleasing and perfection and get in touch with yourself. What do you like? What do you believe? What’s important to you? Do the deep work to reconnect with yourself and purpose.

Be true to yourself. The constant pursuit of receiving accolades from others or avoiding conflict places everyone else’s needs above your own and minimizes your needs, wants and values. This disconnects you from your authentic self and is tiring and unsustainable – and no one knows the real you not even your own self.

Look in the mirror. That’s your competition. Comparing yourself to other people and being overly interested in what they’re doing only serves to validate fear and self-doubt. Know your own worth and do not bother comparing yourself to others.

Concentrate on doing what is important. Treating all tasks with equal importance leads to burnout. Do only what is most important with utmost excellence and accept that all other things must be done (but not necessarily with perfection).

Ask Questions. Challenge Assumptions. Do not get stuck in all-or-nothing thinking. Instead ask questions and challenge your assumptions to unearth truths – Am I accurate? Did I assume the worst? Is it in my control? Are there other ways to think about or handle this?

Transcending perfectionism requires self-acceptance, being present, enjoying the journey of life and reminding yourself that perfection isn’t your goal.

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