
Our energies are destroyed because of the abnormal pace at which we go. The conservation of energy depends upon getting your personality speed synchronized with the rate of natural rhythms all around you. When we become attuned to the natural rhythm we can develop a normal tempo within ourselves and energy flows freely. To realign yourself with natural rhythms and get back in tune with yourself implement a combination of the five tools outlined below.

  1. Get Some Sun. Did you know that 15 minutes of sun is recommended on a daily basis? A lack of sunlight leads to the depletion of Vitamin D which impacts mental health and can lead to seasonal affective disorder, depression, impact thyroid issues, fatigue and low energy levels. Go outside and relax in nature. BE STILL AND LISTEN! Slow down – take some time to connect with yourself!
  2. Sleep. There is no way to avoid fatigue and sustain high energy levels through the day without sleep. To have a full energized day, you must develop a healthy sleep routine.
  3. Exercise. Engaging in any form of physical activity or mindful movement like yoga can truly help to boost energy during the day. The benefits of exercise cannot be overstated.
  4. Smell. Essential oils such as citrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit and tangerine), and peppermint have mood boosting properties. Daily, I put a blend of essential oils in a pot of water and have the scented steam permeate throughout the house.
  5. Breathe Deeply and Eat Right. When we breathe deeply, every system in the body begins to work better. We find that the breath itself naturally heals and renews the body, mind and spirit. And of course, eating a diet of lots of green vegetables, fresh fruit and healthy protein gives you the energy to conquer your day.