
Going Green or Environmentalism is a concern for the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment, such as the conservation of natural resources, prevention of pollution, and certain land use actions.

Each person can find big and small ways to go green from recycling daily, adopting more minimalist lifestyles and supporting organizations that laud these principles. How are you being wasteful? Find ways to take action.

Environmental Initiatives

The Green Belt Movement


The World Wildlife Fund

Trees For The Future

Earth Watch

Earth Justice


Sierra Club

Earth Day Network

Rainforest Action Network

Sustainable Harvest International

Heifer International


Environmental Defense

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Pew Center On Global Climate Change

National Resources Defense Council

American Council On Renewable Energy

Next Energy

Green Living

An Incovenient Truth

Co-op America


Organic Consumers Association

New American Dream

Green Building

US Green Building Council

Sustainable Design Group

Peabody Architects

Helicon Works

Green Floors

Grun Development

Eco Supply Center

American Institute of Architects

Auro Natural Paints and Finishes

The Solar Electric Light Fund

American Solar Energy Society

Solar Energy International

Rain Water Harvesting

American Wind Energy Association