Physical Wellbeing

Flower Essence Therapy

Flower essences are homeopathic healing medicines given from God through flowers and plants. The simplest way to appreciate how flower essences work is to begin to think of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings in which there exists three distinct but inter- twined energy bodies infused by Spirit or Life force. These bodies are the emotional, the mental, and physical. When there is disharmony in any part of oneself the potential for illness exists.

Spirit takes form in each individual as a personal soul. It has distinct energy body which indeed sustains the physical and who we think we are. Spirit/Soul can be lost and can be recognized by expressions of despair, loss of sense of self-lack or enthusiasm, or feeling of being lost isolated and alone.

Some of the first well known flower essence remedies were created by a Harley Street doctor, Edward Bach, in the 1930s. His Philosophy, ” A healthy mind ensures a healthy body”, was ahead of it’s time when you consider that today more and more medical experts are acknowledging the links between our mental and physical health.

Dr. Bach devised a system of seven major emotional groups under which people could be classified, such as Fear, Uncertainty or Loneliness. He categorized 38 negative states of mind under these groups. Then using his knowledge of homoeopathy, Dr. Bach formulated a plant or flower based remedy to treat each of these emotional states.

How Do Flower Essences Work?
Essences work to change something, which is out of balance or in a state of dis-ease. Essence also serves to uncover or expose the source and location of discord. There may be many layers to a particular problem. When an essence enters the physical body it begins to bring about a balance. The vibration of the essence brings in the pattern of harmony.