Life Hack Wisdom / Power Mindset

Flow: Principles of Water as a Path To Self-Development

After years of being on my list, I finally got to read the Tao Te Ching in 2020 and deeply reflected on the teachings for about 40 days.

How could I become more formless and learn to go with life’s flow?

Reflection: The calm surface of water reflects its surroundings with perfection. As we begin to live spiritual truths such as compassion, temperance, and unconditional love, these truths must also be reflected in the world through us.

Depth: One cannot clearly see what lies below the surface of water. Only through exploration, can one commune with the life teeming below the surface. Through meditation and quiet contemplation, explore the infinite depths of yourself.

Adaptability: As water flows, it moves – left, right, over or under with ease. Moreover, it easily changes its form effortlessly becoming steam or ice. When do I need to change and when do I need to remain as is?

Humility: Water follows the laws of gravity and flows towards the lowest point – filling up every crevice and void along the way. In seeking the lowest point, water is humility, the very opposite of the arrogant person who always seeks the highest point.

Giving: As water flows across the land, it gives to all plants and animals along its path without judgement or discrimination. ALL benefit from water’s presence; and, yet moving on, it seeks no praise or recognition.

Alignment with Time: Water manifests according to its season. Summer rain never falls in winter and winter snow will not fall on a summer day. Water gently demonstrates that there is a time for everything.

Being Present: As you swim or surf, water teaches you to be present and keep your eyes upon the horizon. If you look away, you may become submerged underwater.

Patience: Water is never in a hurry. Always following nature’s calendar, it ends up in the right place at the right time.