Work & Productivity

Five Best Practices To Master Working From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic allowed me to live my dream of working from home and deepen my discipline for self-management of my time and levels of productivity. These five practices are invaluable to keeping me on track and motivated.

1. Sticking to a schedule including time allotted for breaks (for the most part). My natural circadian rhythm is set to awake later in the day and go later at night – but FLIP that! Working from home has gradually allowed me to reset my body and wake up earlier but to do so I have to stick to a schedule as to maintain a healthy balance. I protect this schedule fiercely in order to do my best and remain on track.

2. Dressing for work and maintaining a morning routine. Dressing comfortably yet professionally helps me frame my mind and focus for the work day. A morning routine that includes prayer, meditation and cup of coffee sets the pace for balance for me.

3. Dedicated work space with a door to close for meetings. Keeping my desk and work space tidy, investing in a comfortable swivel chair and placing peripherals in the proper place helps me stay focused during the day.

4. Building ground rules and boundaries. Setting ground rules for myself and others helps me achieve a better work-life balance. Home still feels like home and the home office feels like “work”.

5. Ending the day and following a wind-down evening routine. When the day ends, computers are turned off and phones are left near the computers to allow focus for home life and self-care. An evening walk or streaming some music or a dance video helps me let out a burst of stress and steam.

It’s always a good day working from home – I am so grateful!