Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset / Work & Productivity

Energy Management Essentials

Constant course correction is needed to properly calibrate a well-lived life.

To begin, one must ask:

  • Am I living the life I deeply desire?
  • Have I gone off-course from my true destination? When? Where? How?
  • What do I need to do so that I can correct my course?
  • When and how will I get there (to my true destination?)
  • What are the distractions that keep me from reaching my true destination?

Next, deeply focus on minimizing the conditions that distract you from your true path.

  • Complete a comprehensive energy audit.
  • Minimize shallow activities such as answering emails and mundane daily activities.
  • Elevate important activities like learning, self-growth and development, health maintenance, relationships, living your passion, travel and achieving your goals.

Health Energy Audit

Your health is your greatest wealth. Without it, you’ll be unable to operate or manage any other area of your life.

Environmental Energy Audit

Create a living space that inspires you and is also easy to maintain.

  • Get rid of all items including clothes that you do not use or no longer need.
  • Completely organize your environment (including your car) so that your living spaces are neat and organized – eliminate clutter.
  • Bring in or highlight items that improve your energy and uplift your spirit – a fountain, sound bowl, music, art, or color.

Spiritual Energy Audit

Focusing on your spiritual energy with laser-light focus leads you to becoming clear about your values and vision – deepening your convictions and clarifying what you truly stand for. No one wants to reach death and realize that they lived a life that they did not want to live.

  • What is your life’s guiding purpose?
  • How much power do you have in guiding your own life?
  • If you lack power now, how can you regain your personal power?
  • How can you come to terms with a life and death that resonates with your truest essence?

Time Management Audit

Organize most of your time doing the important activities while carving a little time for the shallow activities. When your time is organized properly, you become more present, and time slows down.

  • What does your ideal day look like?
  • How much of your time can you control?
  • Are the activities you spend your time doing moving you toward your ideal future?
  • Are you spending most of your time furthering your own agenda or someone else’s?
  • What do you enjoy and should be high on your daily list?
  • How much time are you wasting (especially on things you do not enjoy)?
  • What items can you remove? What can you automate? What can you outsource?

Relational Energy Audit

View your relationships in a conscious manner. Examine if they are serving a higher purpose and causing you to grow.

  • How can you be more authentic and honest in your relationships?
  • What relationships provide meaning and enjoyment? How can you nurture them more?
  • What toxic relationships can you release that no longer serves you?

Financial Energy Audit

Track your finances – savings, spending, taxes, and expenses to take control of your financial life.

  • How much do you make? How much do you spend?
  • How can you reduce spending? How can you be content with what you have?
  • What is your unnecessary debt and how can you eliminate it?
  • How can you create more value for yourself and others?

It’s easy to veer off life’s true course; but, by making course corrections we can be organized, make plans for the future, and get back on our essential life path. Let’s do this!