Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset

Empower Your Personal Purpose

To begin living out your destiny first identify your purpose by answering the following questions of purpose for yourself. Then, rank them in order of importance assuming that you only have a year to live. This gives you a clear perspective about what you truly love to do.


What was I born to do (my destiny)? OR What should I be doing right now?
· What is my unique mission in life? · What are my talents?
· Where can I make a difference?
· What did God create me to do?
· How can I make a contribution to humanity?
· What do I sense is my destiny?

What do I love to do?
· What excites me about life?
· Where have I been the happiest?
· What gives me the most satisfaction?
· What activities give me the most enjoyment?
· What is my secret ambition?

What is important to me?
· What would I do if money was not an object?
· If I had a year to live what would I accomplish?
· What am I willing to risk my life for?
· What do I stand for?
· What don’t I stand for? · What makes you unique?

What am I good at?
· Where have I excelled in the past?
· What are my strengths?
· Where have I been most successful?
· What have other people told me that I’m good at?


Create a statement of purpose for yourself by using the information you receive from answering and ranking the preceding questions. For example, the purpose statement of Dr. Spock the international best selling author of books on raising children reads.

I was born to heal people, especially children. My purpose is to use my talents and skills to help children all over the world. Dr. Spock explained that he first became a pediatrician because he loved children. Then he became a bestselling author because he wanted to teach parents to raise more healthy children. Lastly, he became involved with antinuclear demonstrations because he hated the effects that war had upon children. Although, his life took many turns his underlying reason for being was always children. What’s yours?


1. Link your purpose to a compelling reason.
There is an old saying that goes like this.If the “why” is important enough then the “how” is not difficult. In other words, very few would hang glide off the Empire State Building for ten thousand dollars but if it meant saving your child you’d probably be the first in line.

2. Where are you?
During this process, take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses and the barriers that may slow you down. Ask yourself if you are financially prepared. If not, what are the little steps you can take to get there.

3. Focus on birthing your purpose
Prepare a blueprint of how you intend to birth your purpose, how long it will take to get there and what it will take to get there.

4. Speak and Visualize positive results
Learn to see yourself where you desire to be despite the present circumstance. Imagine that you are in a movie theater and that watching yourself as the principal actor playing the role that you were born to live.

5. Take one small step each day
Don’t let a day go by without you doing something (no matter how small). Call this your bottom line, which means that when the day is done that you must have at least done that one specific thing.

6. Birth
As you chew the mountain one bite at a time (daily) you suddenly discover that you are in the midst of labor and that your baby of purpose is about to be birthed.