Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom / Power Mindset

Embracing Your Second Chance

Don’t we all need a second chance?

When life offers you a second chance to grow beyond your failures and foster a positive attitude towards your future possibilities – TAKE IT!

Here’s how:

What’s The Lesson? Every situation or person we encounter contributes to our learning experience (even the negative events). Acknowledge the lesson.

Let Go. You have learned the lesson now. What’s done is done. All difficulties are opportunities for personal growth – they too pass away with time like everything else in life.

Accountability. Accept your current situation as it is – not how you would like it to be. Then formulate a plan to get past your obstacles by focusing on the things you CAN change.

Set New Goals. What’s meaningful and purposeful to you now? Ensure that they are S.M.A.R.T.

  • Specific. This is the “who, what, when, where, and why.” Describe and define success, and the actions to achieve it.
  • Measurable. How will you know when you’ve reached your goals?
  • Achievable. Do you have the skills you need? If not, how can you acquire them?
  • Relevant. Is this really what you want? Does it fit with your broader ambitions?
  • Time-Bound. When will you complete your goals? Setting a time limit motivates you to act now, before it’s too late.

Embrace the Essential. Identify the things that are most essential to you and eliminate the rest. You can dedicate your attention to what truly matters by simplifying your work, projects, relationships, to-do-lists, etc. I recommend reading the book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

Focus on the Positive. At the core of every success story, is positive thinking which creates successful results. Use affirmations, creative visualization, and the spoken word to create great outcomes.

Be Disciplined in Your Daily Routine. Weave your goals into actionable steps by embedding them in your daily routine. Maintain your self control by maximizing productivity and minimizing distractions. I recommend following the steps in Getting Things Done by David Allen.

Your second chance is now at hand – Embrace It!