Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom / Power Mindset

Deepening Your Self-Awareness with Journaling

Journaling your streams of consciousness is a personal practice for an audience of one – you!

It helps you to explore your inner world and discover what drives you by pointing out your patterns and how they affect your behaviors. You can then reflect, amplify the great patterns and change those patterns that are not beneficial.

A journal allows you to relieve your emotions and be truly vulnerable with yourself. As you continue to write, relaxation takes over and the process reduces your stress levels and elevates the levels of endorphins in your body.

You can journal your dreams and glean insights into the window of your subconscious.

Practicing gratitude is a great prompt for journaling. It focuses your attention on what is positive in your life and helps you truly learn the lessons from your pitfalls and setbacks. In this way, you develop greater emotional intelligence.

Daily journaling helps you remain in the present. You become aware of what is happening right now and how you can master this moments instead of focusing of fear of the the future. It’s a place where you can be honest with yourself and develop achievable goals and expectations.

Crafting a purpose statement that guides your daily living can be refined by journaling. This process declutters your mind presents  a clear perspective about what you truly love to do.

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