Physical Wellbeing

Color and Light Therapy

Color Healing, Light Therapy and Chromotherapy are all terms used interchangeably with Color Therapy, which is a set of principles used to create harmonious color and color combinations for healing.

This form of energy medicine is based on the belief that the human body is composed of energy fields. When the energy is properly distributed and circulating freely, the body is healthy. Imbalances or abnormal amounts of energy are believed to indicate an excess or deficency.

Color or light therapy is used to treat depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and skin disorders.

Color is light energy. Color is light which is split into different wavelengths vibrating at different speeds and different frequencies. Objects that absorb all wavelengths and do not reflect any, is black. Objects that reflect all wavelengths and do not absorb any, is white. Between black and white lies color. Colors are wavelengths of energy that, to us, appear as color because of the potential and capabilities of the object to either absorb or reflect the energy. This basic principle is how we experience color. The energy vibration of that color is what you need, in the moment, in order to improve and balance your physical and emotional state.

Color therapy is a technique of restoring imbalance by means of applying color to the body. It was a popular method of cure even in ancient times. Some 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras applied color light therapeutically and ‘color halls’ were used for healing in ancient Egypt, China and India.

Resources on YouTube:

Color and Light Playlist

Physical effects: Stimulates brain activity, increases heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, gives energy and self-confidence.

Associated with: HAPPINESS, INDEPENDENCE, CONFIDENCE Physical effects: Energizes, stimulates the appetite and digestive system, removes inhibitions, and fosters sociability.

Associated with: AWARENESS, WISDOM, CLARITY Physical effects: Energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, increases awareness, perception and understanding.  Also stimulates the appetite.

Associated with: BALANCE, LOVE, PEACE
Physical effects: Soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety, offers a sense of renewal,  self-control and harmony.

Associated with: KNOWLEDGE, RELAXATION, HEALTH Physical effects: Calming, lowers blood pressure and decreases respiration.  Ideal for sleep and over-active children.  Enhances communication and decision-making.

Associated with: INTUITION, IMAGINATION, UNDERSTANDING Physical effects: Strengthens intuition and imagination, increases dream activity. Helps connect us to our unconscious mind.

Physical effects: Suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment,  relieves tension, and is good for migraines.  Promotes inner strength, wisdom, kindness, artistic talent and creativity.