Life Hack Wisdom / Power Mindset / Work & Productivity

Clear Your Thinking By Dissecting Bias

In a world of endless crises and continuous cries for our attention, we must make a conscious choice about thinking clearly and using the power of our minds more efficiently.

Truly Understand the Problem.

  • Do you understand the problem? The Problem Is to Know What the Problem Is. Refine the definition of the problem you are trying to solve before diligently finding solutions to the problem.
  • What are my blind spots? Do my thoughts on this problem and its solution reflect an oversimplification of reality? If so, what can I do to examine it more deeply? Find the hard data.

Examine Bias.

  • Is the starting point creating bias in my thinking? View a problem from varying perspectives and seek information from diverse sources.
  • Did I make a previous error that I should correct now?
  • Am I looking for information that consistently confirms my views? Seek out opposing viewpoints.
  • Do I follow the herd? Are other people’s thoughts and actions heavily influencing me? If you have an opposing viewpoint, live with and defend it.
  • Do I willingly accept superstitions? Are my assumptions mostly based on things I can’t explain?
  • Am I relying on faulty memory? What are the facts? Is there any data to support my assumptions?

Is It Status Quo?

  • The status quo automatically has an advantage.
    • Ask yourself, “Is the status quo truly the best choice for this situation?”
    • Would you still choose the status quo if it were not already the status quo?
    • Does the current situation meet your objectives?
    • Am I just afraid to make an unknown choice? How can I mitigate those fears?

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