Physical Wellbeing / Power Mindset / Spiritual Perspectives

7 Simple Ways To Balance Mind, Body & Spirit

Our mind, body and spirit are truly interconnected and keeping the three in balance is utterly important. Using these 7 simple keys can recalibrate your being:

1. Meditation helps us relax and concentrate. We become more aware and observant because we are more focused on what is happening in the moment. It is an efficient and effective technique that helps us control our mind and relax our bodies.

2. Go to Sleep. No one is ever too old for naps! Sleep restores our bodies triggering the release of hormonal levels, regrows tissues and repair our blood vessels.

3. Exercise (especially yoga) is amazing for your overall health. It helps you build strength, coordination, and flexibility while calming the mind.

4. Laugh often. Enjoy the good times and laugh even when there is nothing to laugh at.

5. Reduce Stress. Stress consumes your time and energy and weakens your immune system. Learn to live without it.

6. Stop being perfect and people pleasing. Shun perfectionism! Instead of enjoying satisfaction from the things done well, perfectionists focus on what is lacking and this mindset robs individuals of self-esteem, peace of mind and happiness.

7. Find meaning and purpose. Do what matters to you as if you had only a year left to live.