Power Mindset

As A Man Thinketh, So Is He

In every waking moment, we are creating or altering our future. Our lives are a product of our thoughts, our visualizations, our intentions, our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs, our attitudes, our expectations, and what we will (or will not) allow ourselves to experience.

Our lives are also a product of our spoken words and physical actions. Within the context of life in a human body on planet Earth, we each create our personal experiences by our thinking; that is, by whatever we give our thoughts to. We empower our thoughts with our emotions, and our thoughts manifest within the context of what we believe, what we expect, and what we will (or won’t) allow ourselves to experience.

Our attitudes, beliefs and expectations are thoroughly programmed into our subconscious minds which is infinitely more powerful than the conscious mind. Our feelings (our emotions) are also a major factor. Thoughts accompanied with strong emotion have much more power and manifest much faster than thoughts that have little emotion attached to them. Whether the emotions are positive or negative is irrelevant. Whether our thoughts are intentional or simply come as a response to our environment is irrelevant. For example, the things we watch and hear on television have a significant effect upon our experiences.

My physical experiences are a function of:
* my thoughts
* my attitudes
* my beliefs
* my intentions
* the results I expect
* the words I silently speak to myself (selftalk)
* the words I speak or listen to in the external world
* the sounds I imagined I hear
* the sounds from my environment
* the sounds I intentionally focus on
* the pictures, visions, and circumstances I imagined
* the pictures, visions, and circumstances I see
* my feelings (internal and external emotions)
* my physical sensations
* what I will do
* what I will allow into my life
* what I won’t do
* what I will not allow into my life
* my actions (what I actually do).

And here’s the same thing still again in only eight words: Our lives are what our thoughts make them.