Physical Wellbeing

A Layman’s Guide To Healing Crystals

Now that you read about the healing benefits of crystal and gemstone therapy, we have included a brief guide below to outline the documented properties of crystals.

Amber for protection and positive energy

Amethyst to lift your spirit and for protection

Aquamarine for throat chakra healing, courage and clear expression of truth

Aventurine to purify the body and enhance creativity and prosperity

Black Onyx for fearlessness, grounding and manifestation

Bone for structure, stability and bone health

Carnelian to heal and revitalize the body

Cinnabar carved lacquer, for the gifts of tradition

Citrine to eliminate toxins, amplify chi and integrate healing energy

Coral for diplomacy, peace and penetrating insight

Emerald to harmonize and heal the body

Fluorite for intuition, balance and inner wisdom

Fossil Stone for insights from the past and openness to innovation

Freshwater Pearl to enhance clarity, focus and integrity

Garnet to purify the blood and enhance security

Harlequin Rutilated Quartz for physical energy, light and transformation

Ivory (antique beads only) for bone health

Kyanite for tranquility and alignment with the light

Lapis Lazuli for enlightened wisdom and inner harmony

Leopard Jasper to attract healing energy and enhance earthly pleasure

Moonstone for inspiration and understanding one’s path

Mother of Pearl to awaken the memory of divine love, heal emotional wounds and promote bone health

Black Obsidian for creativity, shielding and grounding

Snowflake Obsidian to awaken dormant potential and ground spiritual energy

Pearl to enhance clarity, focus and integrity

Peridot for friendship and to transform habits

Picture Jasper for protection, harmony and success in business

Quartz (clear) for positive energy, light and protection

Rhodachrosite for spirit/body connection

Rhodonite to balance and uplift the emotions

River Stone to promote change and energy flow

Rose Quartz to purify the emotions and attract unconditional love and joy

Ruby to heal the heart and energize emotional change

Rutilated Quartz for transformation

Serpentine for vital energy and bone health

Shell to energize growth, provide insight into good choices, enhance cohesiveness and promote bone health and healing

Smokey Quartz to illuminate darkness and ground spiritual energy

Snow Quartz (Quartzite) for easy learning of lessons and stabilizing change

Sodalite for effectiveness in community

Sugilite to empower healing and to manifest the healing power of spirit on earth

Black Tourmaline to ground and to deflect negativity from outside or inside

Cat’s Eye Tourmaline for balance, protection and insight

Green Tourmaline for balancing masculine energy

Pink Tourmaline for active love and balancing feminine energy

Tourmilinated Quartz to transform habits

Turquoise for attunement and protection and to strengthen and align the chakras

White Jade for longevity and cohesiveness