
Life is moving, deadlines must be met, and work has to be done. Yet, your mind is blocked and you are unable to concentrate and maintain focus.

What can you do?

In the short-term:

Decide that you can overcome your brain fog. First, set some time aside to rejuvenate your mind and body. Next, do the following items below.

Breathe. Do the short breathing exercise to oxygenate your blood and brain for a clearer head.

Stretch. Complete a yoga exercise to energize your head, neck and shoulders. It’s only 10 minutes.

Body Tapping. This technique focuses on tapping the body’s energy pressure points for increased circulation, to decrease stress, relieve anxiety and create clear channels for improved flow of energy. The head tapping video below works for me every time.

Brainstorm. Do a brain dump. Write out whatever is on your mind. You can journal, create a mind map, or a pro/con list – just get it out of your head! Next, what do you want to do about it?

Work. Begin working on the task at hand. Can you complete it now or will you set a time to complete the rest later?

In the long-term:

Detox your body and environment. Use as many natural cleaning products as you can in the home. Stay away from air fresheners, essential oils are a better option. HEPA air purifiers are great for the bedroom and spaces where you spend the most time.

Sleep. Getting enough sleep daily is the perfect antidote for brain fog. A lack of sleep leads to chronic exhaustion and mental decline.

  • Stick to a sleep schedule. Eliminate eating before bed.
  • Take a relaxing bath and massage body before sleep.
  • Drink a calming cup of chamomile tea or inhale lavender for it’s sedative properties.
  • Practice sensory deprivation in your sleep space. Turn off the TV and lights, remove phones/laptops.

Exercise Daily. The benefits of physical exercise are endless. Most of all, exercise gets more glucose and oxygen flowing to the brain immediately. Endorphins are also released when you exercise and cortisol, our stress hormone, is burned off.

Eat a heart-healthy diet and curb inflammation.