Emotional Balance / Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset

Gratitude Changes Everything

Do you take the time to be thankful for all the benefits and positive things you have or are you constantly ruminating upon what you don’t have?

There are no downsides for being grateful. Placing your focus on what you are grateful for puts you in a positive frame of mind. It is a universal key to accessing happiness, health, and fulfillment. The more you become grateful, you begin to trigger a positive feedback loop and become grateful more frequently.

By slowing down, we can take stock, be more present and get in touch with what brings us joy. Use the resources below to bring an attitude of gratitude, wonder and amazement back into your life.

Be still and be thankful!

Affirmations of Gratitude

Gratitude Journals

Build Up Your Grateful Baseline With AHA’s 21 Days of Gratitude

21 days of gratitude infographic