Beauty & Vitality / Physical Wellbeing

Natural Essential Oils for Stellar Hair Growth

One can never praise the healing benefits of aromatherapy enough! To promote hair growth while minimizing the effects of harmful chemicals found in every day commercial shampoos, conditioners, and hair moisturizers, incorporate the use of the following essential oils in your daily or weekly routine.

Peppermint Essential Oil. The tingly sensation is SO satisfying and thrills me every time. I use peppermint oil often! Peppermint oil was proven in this study to increase the number of hair follicles, promote overall hair growth and increase the depth of each follicle. I add peppermint oil to a mixture of shea butter and castor oil and leave in my hair as a moisturizing conditioner – my hair stays hydrated for 10-14 days if I sleep with a scarf.

Rosemary Essential Oil is designed by nature to improve cellular generation. It improves hair thickness and and promotes hair growth, In this NIH study, rosemary oil performed equally well to the commercial chemical minoxidil but without the scalp itching side effect.

A Blend of Lavender and Cedarwood Essential Oil. Lavender oil can improve scalp health and speed up hair growth with its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Cedarwood balances the oil producing glands in the scalp thereby reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

If dandruff is your problem, then Lemongrass Essential Oil will do the trick for you. According to this study, lemongrass oil eradicated most dandruff cases in a week.

To begin use, add the oil(s) of your choice to warm coconut oil or olive oil, slather the mixture on your hair and scalp, cover your hair with a shower cap for 10-30 minutes before rinsing out with shampoo and conditioner.

Cheers to healthier hair!