Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Power Mindset

Harnessing The Silent Power of Introversion

Solitude is an essential ingredient of creativity.

All my life, I felt that the world was made slightly askew by the constant noise, stimuli, and ever-present state of busyness. In the last four years, the call for longer periods of quiet contemplation grew louder. I had to answer that call. This need for solitude required letting go of fear and whatever that did not allow me to enter into the realm of deep inner reflection.

As I began to sit with myself and explore my inner mind and heart, I also discovered the work of Susan Cain’s Quiet Revolution which became an essential component that helped me reconnect with my true self, lost talents, and inner voice – Whole-heartedly and Un-Apologetically!

One-third to about half of the population consider themselves to be introverts but are constantly subjected to the bias that all people must be extroverts.

Taking the time to unplug each week has led me back to my love of reading, researching, writing and development of

Most importantly, through stillness and the freedom from external dynamics – I reshaped my mindset by closely examining personal insights, changed the lens on how I viewed the world, shed the dogma imposed through learning and unlearned what was no longer best for me.

Through stillness, I’ve experienced the transcendent power of solitude and ultimate personal freedom. This has led to ever-present Stoic Joy. I am truly grateful!