Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design

Harnessing The Fruits Of Post Traumatic Growth

The Suffering and Hardship of our Lives – Pandemic. Election Fallout. War. Bereavement. Grief. Job Loss. Natural Disasters. Stress. Illness.  

In the aftermath of these periods of stress and trauma, we begin to appreciate all the positive change unfortunate circumstances can sometimes bring, if we allow it.  We recognize our personal strength, appreciate life more, tend to spiritual matters, explore purpose and meaning, and improve our relationships.

To begin reframing how you process hardship, implement the two action plans below and fully use the resources provided:

Acceptance and Reframing: According to Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” We are forced to redefine who we are, reshape our mindset, determine what kind of people we want to surround us, rethink about the world we live in, and what future we will have. 

Think Positive and Be Constructive: Remember successes and learn from them, problem solve, and visualize best-case scenarios. Act and do what you CAN do!

Be sure to derive something positive from every harsh experience and harness the fruits of post-traumatic growth.