Life Hack Wisdom / Lifestyle Design / Work & Productivity

Optimizing Productivity With The Eisenhower Matrix

All units of work do not contribute the same amount.

Is your task list endless and you do not know how to prioritize? The Eisenhower Matrix is a great place to start.

The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity and time-management tool that helps prioritize tasks by urgency and importance. It helps you find 20% of your work that drives 80% of your outcomes.

Do what’s MOST IMPORTANT using the Eisenhower Matrix.

Quadrant 1. These items are both urgent and important, and they, demand immediate action (ex. crises and issues with deadlines).

Quadrant 2. These are important issues, but they are not urgent and therefore do not require your immediate action (ex. long-term goals).

Quadrant 3. These are urgent but unimportant items that pop up and demand immediate attention – assign them to someone else.

Quadrant 4. These are not important or urgent, eliminate them (ex. television, games, social media)

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