
Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body, mind, and environment with the intention of bringing all into a state of harmony and health. Ancient civilizations used sound for healing. Traditional cultures still surviving today understand the remarkable healing power that lies in sound.

In the Bible, we are told that David played his harp to lift King Saul’s depression. Egyptian papyri over 2,600 years old refer to sounds used as cures for infertility and rheumatic pain. The ancient Greeks believed music had the power to heal body and soul. They used the flute and the lyre for treating illnesses such as gout and sciatica. It is reported that Alexander the Great’s sanity was restored by music played on the lyre. There is an ancient Greek saying, “Men have song as a physician for pain.”

In our age, the song Weightless by Marconi Union was created to promote wellness and has been proven to lower cortisol, reduce blood pressure, slow down your heart rate, and promote deep rest. Learn more about Weightless’ study results published at Enjoy!

Song: Weightless by Marconi Union.

Another form of sound therapy is the use of the mantra or word of power which is the encasement of spiritual energy in the form of sound vibration.  The sound vibration which is created is very potent. Through careful repetition of the mantra or Word of Power, it takes form that can be directed or applied at will of the practitioner. Words of Power can include prayer and affirmations.

The word/sound contains the power to transform consciousness and even alter physical matter within the realm of relative time or space-time dimensions.

YouTube Resource:

Healing Sounds Playlist