Travel & Explore

Jamaican Vibes

The sound of the ocean beckoned and I answered her call, relaxing on the shores and soaking up the heat of the noonday sun. Myriad hues of blues and oranges in each sunset. Deep shades of green emanate from plants and the gentle sway of the most comfortable hammock with rum punch in my hand pulls me in. This is the perfect destination for professional-level lounging and relaxation. Isn’t this what life’s supposed to be? I’ll definitely be back!

Live in the Sunshine.

Swim in the Sea.

Drink the Wild Air.


One Love

The One Love Bus Bar Crawl, arrived to take us into the local area for the day to enjoy food and drink at homes, enjoy local watering holes, explore underground caves, beach hut bars and large drinking establishments. The warmth, love and people – Authentic & Unforgettable!