Spiritual Perspectives

15 Ways To Hear From God

God communicates with us in numerous ways.

Below you will find some of the more common ones:

1. IMPRESSIONS The still small voice we hear in our spirit (2 Kings)

2. PICTURES mental images

3. VISIONS movie clips (Acts 16)

4. OPEN VISIONS actual pictures before your eyes (Acts 10)

5. DREAMS sleep movies, pictures need interpretation, they are symbolic.

6. INTERNAL VOICE OF GOD simple words with meaning

7. AUDIBLE VOICE OF GOD actual voice heard

8. AUDIBLE SOUNDS sudden sounds

9. PLAY ON WORDS Words said and received differently

10. SPIRITUAL SIGHTS Using past events & occurrences

11. SPIRITUAL SMELLS Spirits smell or clairsentience

12. ANGELIC MESSAGES Divine proclamations (Daniel 9)

13. TRANCES unaware of the things going on around you (Acts 10:10)

14. CAUGHT UP INTO HEAVEN To be taken away in spirit

15. BODY SENSATIONS Change in your body which reveals things about others